Will Robins and I will be kicking off the winter season with our Scoring Method Intensive 1 day golf school. We invite you to experience this unique coaching opportunity on Sunday, November 12th as we show you how to shoot lower scores and unlock your true golf potential. The Scoring Method is revolutionizing golf instruction all over the world. Especially in Naples, Florida! Students who attended our schools in 2017 were shocked at how easy it can be to break 100, 90 and even 80 without making any swing changes. See below for feedback from a few of our students. If you are looking for a way to jump start your game this winter or you're tired of playing below your potential, we have the solution. Contact me directly with questions.




Want to learn more about The Scoring Method? Click here for 3 introduction videos from Will. 

After watching the videos above, you can see we are going to have a blast over the 2 days. Don't miss out! Click here for more information on how to reserve a spot in this very limited program. You also have the option to attend both days for maximum improvement!

Sunday, November 12th - Level 1
Monday, November 13th - Level 2
*Must complete Level 1 as you will be learning more advanced training techniques. If you need a refresher please attend level 1 again. Level 2 will include an advanced version of the scorecards and more in depth learning on emotional management, decision making and developing an improvement plan.

Register here for the 1 day or 2 day intensive golf school. 
You have the option to receive a 10% discount if you pay with credit card in advance. Enter scoringmethod into the coupon code option at checkout. Contact Sarah with any questions or problems.

After golf school chatter....

Thank you Sarah! I just played 9 w my husband and almost holed it out from the back bunker on 8! So the sand lesson was a hit!

It was such a fun day and I really like the whole new approach to the game! We tried our hybrids to putt with today and all of us had some great shots.

Yesterday was absolutely great!  So well organized, informative, and definitely fun. 

Will, I very much enjoyed your play and practice w a purpose during the 1 day intensive. I feel like your course strategy is built for me as a 7 handicap who wants to get to a 4-5. You are right, when I break 80, it is because of avoiding the doubles.

Thank you very much for bringing Will to RP, the clinic and workshop were invaluable and lots of fun.  I learned so much, it will take awhile for it all to sink in, but I know I will always enjoy the game more now and always hear you and Will coaching me when I am playing.

This was an amazing experience and I really enjoy playing with others who are using the scoring card and following Wills philosophy. The positive feedback makes golf so much more enjoyable than spending 4 hours thinking after every shot about what was wrong and trying to correct it before the next shot which will be totally different. 

New way to practice, broke each hole into two parts, and how to determine your "go to" club. My first round with nothing but my "go to club" off the tee --- I broke 90 with no sweat. 

Looking for a new approach to your game and improvement in 2018?  Join us on November 12th and 13th. Click here for more information on registering. 

Be sure and catch Will Robins on Golf Digest next month. He will be sharing his Scoring Method training videos. Will is one of Golf Digest's Best Young Instructors in America and is making a huge impact on coaches around the world. We are all excited about his movement to make golf a more enjoyable game to learn and play!
